AWS Quick Startup

From TheInterWiki
Revision as of 12:35, 15 July 2023 by Admin (talk | contribs)
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This page is written for someone that is familiar with unix and setting up an AWS instance from a AMI image.

For detailed instructions and tutorials to start your server, see the startup instructions at

  • Find the Inter Wiki AMI on the AWS Marketplace. Search the term "Cath Lab"
  • Select one-click launch to start the AMI
  • Once it is running, connect with your SSH program using the server IPv4 DNS name from the instance page, the username ubuntu, port 22, and your SSH key. If these sound unfamiliar, go to and use the detailed instructions.

Create MySQL user and database

  • From the command line launch MySQL with super user privileges.
Sudo MySQL
  • Create the database. Pick a database name for your installation.
  • Create a user for mediawiki to access the database. Pick a name and good password for this command.
CREATE USER 'wikiuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'strongpassword';
  • Give the user rights to the database.
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON wikidb.* TO 'wikiuser'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION;
  • Reset the privileges table
Flush privileges;
  • Exit MySQL

Install MediaWiki

Now you will access the web site directly. In the AWS Instances dashboard, click on your running instance, and look in the bottom part of the page. Here you will find all of the information about your server. One of these items is the AWS supplied domain name for the instance. Click the Open address link under the Public IPv4 heading. This will open your website in a new window. Please note that you may get a warning that the site is not secure, proceed anyway and open the site. We will set up a self-signed https certificate at a later point.

  • Follow the instructions on the installer page to install MediaWiki.
    • Under extras, check only Visual Editor. The rest will be installed from the back end.
  • When the installer is finished, download the LocalSettings.php file to your local computer.
  • Return to the command line and create the LocalSettings.php file using the nano text editor:
sudo nano /var/www/html/wiki/LocalSettings.php
  • Open the LocalSettings.php file you downloaded on your computer in the editor of your choice. Copy all the text.
  • Switch back to the SSH program and paste this text into the nano editor.
  • Make sure you are at the end of the file in nano.
  • Use Ctrl-R to read in a file. It will ask for the location of the file. Paste in the following:
  • Use Ctrl-x to Save the file and exit nano.

Add custom templates to MySQL

  • Open MySQL and import theinterwikidata.sql.
sudo MySQL;
use mywikidb; (Your database name)
source /var/www/html/wiki/theinterwikidata.sql;

This will overwrite everything with all the template data.

Admmin credentials Username: Admin, Password: Admin12345

Update the data

  • Update the database and Semantic Mediawiki with the data you just imported.
php /var/www/html/wiki/maintenance/update.php  (run this twice)
php /var/www/html/wiki/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/maintenance/rebuildData.php

Go back to the web interface and reload the page to confirm all is working. Proceed to fill in physicians and procedure data.

For assistance in setting up a domain name, and securing your site for https, please visit the full user manual at the Interventional Services Wiki Project webpage.