En-site NavX (St. Jude mapping)
From TheInterWiki
Secondary cart
- Mount magnet to table plug side towards the foot of the table
- Locate magnet cable on secondary cart and plug into magnet (arrows on plug will be toward the floor)
- Locate power, ground, and fiber optic cable hanging on secondary NavX cart
- Plug power cord into power outlet
- Ground, fiber, and data cables
- Ground cable plugs into grounding block
- Two Fiber optic cables connect as shown. Orange cables on top, gray under
- Serial data cable connects to left of fiber optic cables
Main Cart
- From second drawer of main cart unpack splitter unit
- Splitter unit is installed between pin-blocks and amplifier, also between ecg cable and amplifier
- Unplug A,B,C cables from amplifier
- Replace with A,B,C cables from splitter
- Repeat with ecg cable
- A,B,C and ecg cables plug into splitter
- Colored plugs from splitter connect to St. Jude amplifier on main cart
- From top drawer of main cart remove patch connection unit
- Secure patch unit over table control as shown
- Patch unit plugs into amplifier here
- Locate power, ground, and fiber cables on side of main cart
- Plug in power cord
- Clip ground to other ground cables or suitable metal object
- One end of fiber optic cable is plugged into bottom fiber port below plugs from earlier step marked "Precision"
- Other end of fiber cable plugs into St. Jude amplifier port marked "Precision"
Secondary cart part 2
- Identify fiber cable on back of secondary cart
- Plug this cable into fiber port on St. Jude amplifier
- Identify black Ethernet cable near Maquette amplifier marked "Abbott Ensite"
- Plug into back of Quartz unit on secondary cart
- From front of ablator on secondary cart, identify quad cable
- Plug pins into C block 1-4
- Identify large gray cable on back of secondary cart
- Plug into port on St. Jude amplifier