From TheInterWiki
Start Case
- Warm Patches
- Schedule search
- Study->Export Data
- afib cryo -> afib with Octaray
- Add patient to X-Ray
- Add patient to Odyssey
- Check cables and connections
Pt. Arrives
- Patch Patient
- Check 12-lead
- Adjust magnet
- After pt. is draped, connect EP cables
Protip: ablator is A block 1-4 Protip: Set RF ablator presets
Post Study
- Document conduction intervals (Done during case)
- Select only arrhythmia log items and clean up
- Study -> Procedures
- Add radiation dose and time (Divide dap by 10)
- Complications
- If using NavX, get image from mapping person
- Take USB and insert into CardioLab
- Generate a billing report
- Use the blank page at bottom of report
- Insert image from USB
- For Dr. Cortez, print billing report, give him image, and keep the rest of the report for billing step below.
- Leave open in Word for final EP report
- Studies->Forms navigator->Clinical data
- Phase
- At first ablation, insert ablation phase (right click)
- At last ablation, insert post ablation phase
- Room time
- Add a comment to procedure note "Major first hour" with "Case begin" time
- Add a comment to procedure note "Addl. 30 minutes" with "Case end" time
- Study->Billing report->New
- Fix columns
- Print report
- Check off supplies from bag
- Put billing report in bag
- Staple huddle sheet and radiation report together and place on bag
- Create EP report
- Cleanup and fix columns
- Add "Baseline" to baseline measurements
- Paste NavX image to end of report
- Close report and save
- Delete billing reports
- Study->Export Data
- Close Study
- Close patient in Odyssey
- Billing bag to Trish's box on floor
- Stapled report to Inventory Manager box on door