UCD Micra/Aveir
From TheInterWiki
- EP pack
- Probe cover
- Micropuncture
- 8F non locking sheath
- Two 3mL transducers for Micra, Four 3mL transducers for Aveir
- No 3 way stop cocks for Aveir cases
- Amplatz super stiff 0.35, 180cm
- Dilator set
- Two 60mL syringes
- 20cc syringe
- Contrast
- 0-silk suture
- Steristrips
- Perclose × 2
Aveir steps
- US guided access with micropuncture
- Sheath wire
- 8fr. Dilator
- Preclose x2
- Amplatz SS loaded through second Perclose
- Dilate with 12, 16, 22 dilators
- Attach drip A to introducer sheath and insert
- Attach B, C, D drip lines to delivery system
- Adjust drips and check for air
- Attach 20cc syringe with straight contrast to side port of C drip line
- Deploy device
- Close with Preclosed sutures
- Close skin with Woggle using 0-Prolene
- Dress with gauze and Tegaderm